MOAH:CEDAR will be closed from 02/03/25-02/14/25 for our installation of our new permanent collections show, Uncovering Existence: Selections from the Museum's Permanent Collection. Join us for the opening reception on Saturday, February 15, 2025.
Kristine Schomaker
Perceive Me
October 9, 2021 - December 12, 2021
Featured Artists:
Amanda Mears, Anna Kostanian, Anna Stump, Ashley Bravin, Austin Young,
Baha Danesh, Betzi Stein, Bibi Davidson, Bradford J Salamon, Caron Rand,
Carson Grubaugh, Catherine Ruane, Chris Blevins-Morrison, Christina Ramos,
Cynda Valle, Daena Title, Daggi Wallace, Dani Dodge, Debbie Korbel, Debby/
Larry Kline, Debe Arlook, Diane Cockerill, Donna Bates, Elizabeth Tobias, Ellen
Friedlander, Emily Wiseman, Geneva Costa, J Michael Walker, Jane Szabo,
Janet Milhomme, Jeffrey Sklan, Jesse Standlea, John Waiblinger, Jorin Bossen, K
Ryan Henisey, Karen Hochman Brown, Kate Kelton, Kate Savage, Kerri Sabine-
Wolf, Kim Kimbro, L Aviva Diamond, Leslie Lanxinger, Mara Zaslove, Marjorie
Salvaterra, Martin Cox, Monica Sandoval, Nancy Kay Turner, Nurit Avesar, Phung
Huynh, Rakeem Cunningham, Serena Potter, Sheli Silverio, Susan Amorde, Susan
T. Kurland, Sydney Walters, Tanya Ragir, Tony Pinto, and Vicki Walsh.
In Perceive Me, an installation of 73 artworks from 60 different artists, organizer and instigator Kristine Schomaker challenges society, the art world, and herself to become more accepting of human differences — especially differences in size. For the project, Schomaker asked Los Angeles-based artists to do nude portraits of her plus-size form using any media. She then took on a performative role, posing in the nude for each artist, and in turn the artists created work that reflects their unique perception of her. Instead of critiquing or shaming Schomaker’s body, which is so often the experience of plus-sized people, the artists celebrated it by creating paintings, drawings, photographs, sculptures, video, and even a 3-D print.
As an ongoing project, the collaborations with participatory artists have become part of Schomaker’s personal creative growth and emotional healing. She comments, “Not only is the art outstanding but the love they have for me is reflected in the works. Their vision of me heals me on levels beyond the body.” Schomaker sees Perceive Me as a vital social practice, opening the door for conversations about the personal and universal values of self and society. She states that it is a “platform for empowerment, for owning who we are, for being unique and authentic, for taking back our bodies… for being true, powerful and strong no matter what body shape, size, color, or gender we are. Perceive Me is for everyone.”
Kristine Schomaker is an artist, curator, and publisher living and working at The Brewery Artist Lofts in Los Angeles, California. She earned her Bachelor of Art degree in art history and Master of Art degree in studio art from California State University, Northridge. Schomaker founded Shoebox Arts in 2014, followed by Shoebox Projects, an alternative art space, in 2017. She is also the publisher of Los Angeles contemporary art magazine Art and Cake. Schomaker is currently the president of the California State University Northridge Arts Alumni Association and social media manager for the Brewery Artwalk Association.